
SoundTouch 20 wireless speaker

Sold from 2014 – 2022

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Music library is empty or missing tracks

If you select your music library in the SoundTouch app but the content of the library is empty or missing tracks, try the following:

If tracks or playlists were recently added, sync the music library.

The Music Library automatically re-syncs every 15 minutes to scan for changes. If necessary, a sync can be manually started at any time. For more info, see Syncing the Music Library.

Apple Music tracks will not appear in the SoundTouch app.

Apple Music tracks can be added to playlists in iTunes; however, if the tracks do not have the Cloud download icon Cloud download icon they are not stored on your computer and cannot be downloaded to it. These file types end with "/AppleMusic."

For iTunes libraries, go to the iTunes preferences and enable sharing your library with other applications.

Open iTunes and go to Preferences > Advanced, then check Share iTunes Library XML with other applications. If this option is not checked, other applications—like SoundTouch—will not find your iTunes library. (Note: This option is available in iTunes version 12.2 or later.)

Check the properties of the files in your music library and remove security blocks, if enabled.

Folders and files can have different security settings to determine whether or not they are available to different programs.
  • For Windows users, right-click the files or folders, click Properties > Security tab > Edit, then make sure Allow is checked for Full Control, Modify, Read & execute, Read and Write.
  • For Mac users, select the files or folders, click File > Get Info > Sharing & Permissions, then select a user group in the Name column and choose Read & Write from the pop-up menu.
If any changes are made to file properties, re-sync your library. For more info, see Syncing the music library.

If using iTunes on a Windows computer, the "iTunes Music Library" XML file must be located in the default iTunes folder.

The SoundTouch app cannot access your iTunes music library if the iTunes XML file (iTunes Music Library.xml) is not located in the default iTunes location. Verify the file is located at C:\Users\[username]\Music\iTunes. If it is not, search for the file and move it there.

If iTunes is used to manage the library, determine if the tracks are in the cloud.

In iTunes, find the column that has a cloud icon icon as a column header. If you don't see it, right-click any column header (Windows) or select View > View Options (Mac), then select the iCloud Download option. Any track that has a cloud icon in the cloud column will not be played by the SoundTouch app since the file is not stored on the computer. You can click the cloud download icon icon next to these tracks to download the them to your computer so the SoundTouch app can play them. Once downloaded, refresh your library. For more info, see Syncing the Music Library.

For iTunes libraries, export user-created playlists and rebuild the music library.

The iTunes library file may be corrupt or may contain an error that the app is unable to resolve. Rebuilding the library file may resolve this issue. Deleting the iTunes library file permanently removes all user-created playlists.
  • If there are no user-created playlists, close iTunes, copy the existing ITL files to a backup folder, then delete all ITL files in the iTunes folder. Reopen iTunes and the program will scan for media to create a new ITL file
  • If there are user-created playlists, export the playlists before closing iTunes, copy the existing ITL files and deleting the them. For more info, see Using playlists with iTunes.

Determine if the computer was recently updated to a newer version of Windows.

If the Windows computer containing the music library was recently updated, the file structure and location may have changed. Try deleting and re-adding the library to the SoundTouch account.

For info on determining the operating system, see Determining the computer's operating system.
For info on removing and re-adding the music library, see Removing a music library and Adding a music library stored on a computer or NAS drive.

Reboot your router.

Routers may need to be reset from time to time—much like rebooting a computer. Disconnect power from the router for 30 seconds, then wait for it to start up and connect. (Note: Any device connected to the Internet will be interrupted during the reset.)

Reboot the computer.

Reboot your computer by powering it off completely and then powering it back on again. This can help to resolve minor processing issues with the computer.

Reset your product.

Much like rebooting a smartphone, your product might need to be reset on occasion to correct minor issues. For more info, see Resetting your product.
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