
SoundTouch 20 wireless speaker

Sold from 2014 – 2022

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Music library tracks skip or play intermittently

If tracks in your music library play poorly (i.e. skip, crackle or cut in and out) try the following:

Check to see if other devices on your network are using too much bandwidth.

When a device is active on your network, they use some of the available bandwidth of your router. Some tasks use more bandwidth than others—like video streaming, gaming, video calls, data backups, etc. If devices are performing these tasks, bandwidth can decrease for other devices. Turn off any device or app that might be using a lot of bandwidth, then check if performance improves. If possible, use an Ethernet cable instead of Wi-Fi to connect high-bandwidth devices to your network. This frees up wireless bandwidth for devices that need to be connected wirelessly.

For lossless audio files, be sure the sample rate of the file is not higher than 96 kHz.

Playback of lossless audio files uses more network bandwidth than other file types. To limit bandwidth use, lossless file types with a sample rate of 96 kHz or lower are supported. Files with a higher sample rate will need to be converted or downloaded in another format. For file compatibility, see specifications for the SoundTouch app.

If Play Everywhere mode is enabled, disable this mode and play the audio through one system.

The router in use may not be able to support the amount of audio data being transferred through it when playing audio across multiple systems. Select a single system to play the desired audio source.

Try plugging in your product to the router using an Ethernet cable.

If your product works while using a wired network connection, the issue is related to the wireless network configuration. If you don't need to use a wireless connection, you can use a wired connection. For more info, see Setting up your product.

Reboot your router.

Routers may need to be reset from time to time—much like rebooting a computer. Disconnect power from the router for 30 seconds, then wait for it to start up and connect. (Note: Any device connected to the Internet will be interrupted during the reset.)
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