
Bose Sport Earbuds

Sold from 2020 – present

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No volume controls on headphones

If you are unable to control the volume or are unaware of how to control the volume on your earbuds, note the following:

To control the volume, you must first engage the setting within the Bose App

IMPORTANT: Before you enable this setting, make sure you are running software version 4.2.4 or later. If not, update your software and then you will be able to enable this setting.
  1. Open the Bose App icon and go to the settings menu.
  2. Scroll down to CONTROL and click the Volume button to engage the touch control volume feature. Once this feature is set, you will need to repeat this step if you ever wish to disengage the touch control volume.

Using the touch control volume

On the right earbud, swipe up to increase the volume and swipe down to decrease the volume.

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