
SoundTouch 30 wireless speaker

Sold from 2014 – 2022

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Connecting a Bluetooth device using the Bose app

Find out how to use the Bose app to wirelessly pair your product to a Bluetooth device, like a smartphone or computer. This lets you control the sound you hear from your product.

You can connect a Bluetooth® device using the Bose app or the buttons on your product.

Below, we'll show you how to connect using the Bose app. For help connecting without the app, see Connecting a Bluetooth device.

Use the app to put your product in pairing mode.

To connect a device using the SoundTouch app, you first need to add your SoundTouch product to your SoundTouch account. If you haven't yet, see Setting up your product.

To enter pairing mode:

  1. In the SoundTouch app, go to Menu > Settings Speaker Settings, then select your product
  2. From the Speaker Details screen, select Bluetooth
  3. Select Connect New Device: The Ready to connect screen appears to confirm

Select your product in the Bluetooth® menu of the device.

Select the device you are trying to connect.

Windows computer

macOS computer


Smartphone, tablet, or other device

Once connected, the app shows the name of the connected device at the top of the screen.

When the app connects your product to a Bluetooth® device, it will show the Bluetooth icon followed by the name of the connected device at the top of the screen.

If you are unable to connect a Bluetooth device, try our troubleshooting suggestions.

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