
Bose Smart Speaker 500

Sold from 2018 – present

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Connecting Bose Bluetooth products to one another

If you own more than one Bose Bluetooth speaker or headphones, find information about connecting them together.

You can use the Bose app to group multiple Bose smart speakers together.

If you have more than one Bose smart speaker that works with the Bose app icon, you can group them together so they play the same sound. For more info, see Grouping systems.

If you are not using the app or trying to connect a different Bose product, your product will receive Bluetooth® audio but will not send Bluetooth audio to another device.

Most Bluetooth speakers and headphones, like your Bose products, are Bluetooth receivers. This means they can receive and play sound that is sent to them from a Bluetooth transmitter (i.e. a smartphone or laptop). Since your Bose products can only receive sound via Bluetooth, they cannot send sound to one another.
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