
Bose A30 Aviation Headset

Sold from 2023 – present

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Setting operation switches in your headset control module

The switches in the control module of your headset let you customize certain settings. These are useful to tailor the headset for the situations or aircrafts in which you use it.

Operation switches functionality

The operation switches are located in the control module battery compartment. Remove the batteries (if installed) from the control module to access the operation switches. Then, use a small utensil ( a small flat screwdriver) to adjust the switches.
NOTE: Some operation switches are not available on all models.

A30 control module operation switches
Switch Use
  • Disables all non-critical functions, including Bluetooth audio, AUX audio, and Tap Control. Only intercom communications and Acoustic Noise Cancelling are enabled. In case of emergency hardware or software failure, set the switch to ON
  • Default - Off
Tap Control
  • Enables/Disables Tap Control feature
  • Default - Off
  • Establishes priority between two secondary audio sources connected at the same time. Select BT to give the Bluetooth (wireless) connection higher priority. Select AUX to give the wired connection higher priority.
  • Default - BT
  • Processes intercom audio as mono or stereo. Available for configurations that support two-channel or stereo intercom systems only. NOTE: 5-pin XLR and U174 models are mono-only configurations
  • Default - Mono
Auto Off Powers off automatically after 3 to 45 minutes of inactivity.
  • When running on battery power and unplugged from the intercom, the headset powers off unless there is audio from an active mobile device present
  • If you are on a call and unplugged from the intercom, the headset powers off approximately 3 minutes after the call is ended
  • Default - On
Auto On Powers on automatically when connected to aircraft power.
  • Available in Flex Power models only
  • Bluetooth models return to the previous Bluetooth state when powered on
  • Default - On
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