
Bose QuietComfort Earbuds

Sold from 2024 – present

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Microphone picks up sound quietly or poorly

If the microphone on your product picks up your voice quietly or with added noise that makes it difficult for others to understand you during phone calls with your product, try the following:

Check for and install any available product updates.

Product updates keep your product working at its best. To determine if an update is available, run the Bose updater. The updater will let you know if your product is already up-to-date or if an update is available. For more info, see Updating the software or firmware of your product.

Remove any form of headgear that could be covering the microphone on the earbuds.

Make sure nothing is covering the earbuds. If you are wearing headgear, such as hats, headbands or earmuffs, this could muffle the microphone, and as a result could cause poor or low microphone performance.

Make sure the earbuds are oriented correctly for the best microphone performance.

Proper fit is important for product comfort and performance. If the earbuds do not fit properly or the orientation is incorrect it could lead to poor audio or mic performance.

Earbud Orientation

Good - Logo pointed toward mouth/chin
Okay - More vertical ... logo pointed down toward lower neck
Poor - More horizontal ... logo pointed toward bridge of nose
Bad - More than horizontal ... logo pointed toward eyes

See Wearing and adjusting your earbuds for additional details.

Be sure the openings on your headphones are clean and free of debris.

Check if anything is blocking any openings on your headphones, ear tips or the mesh grilles under the ear tips (i.e. ear wax, dust or other debris). For more info, see Cleaning ear tips and mesh grilles.

Move to a less windy environment

Wind noise may enter the microphone capsule and render other audio unintelligible. Moving away from this area may allow for clear audio reproduction

Place another phone call.

Try placing another call—preferably to another number—to determine if the issue occurs all the time or only with certain people, which could result from poor reception with the phone service or device you call.

Be sure the earbuds are being worn properly.

For proper microphone performance, it is important for the earbuds to be worn properly. Ensure the earbud marked "R" is positioned right ear and the left ear has an earbud marked "L".

Check the cellular reception of your phone.

A weak connection to the cell service could cause poor audio quality while on a call. Try the call again when the reception improves.

Try disconnecting other nearby wireless devices that might interfere with Bluetooth® signal.

Some wireless devices can cause interference with a Bluetooth signal. 
Common examples include:-
  • 2.4 GHz router
  • cordless phone
  • wireless speaker adapters
  • home security motion sensors
  • fluorescent lights
  • microwaves
  • wireless mice and keyboards
If there are such devices, disconnect one at a time and check if the issue improves. If so, consider relocating your product or the device.

Try connecting a different Bluetooth® device.

If your Bose product can connect to another device, Bluetooth functionality is working. In cases like this, the issue could be with the first device or its settings.

Reset your product.

Much like rebooting a smartphone, your product might need to be reset on occasion to correct minor issues. For more info, see Resetting your product.

Your product may need service.

If the steps provided do not resolve your issue, your product may need service. Follow the link below for more information on how to service your product. Depending on your product and region, you will be provided a contact number or the ability to setup service online.

Click here to start service
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