
Bose Sport Earbuds

Sold from 2020 – present

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No power

If your product is connected to power but does not appear to be receiving power, try the following:

Make sure the LEDs are on before removing earbuds from the case.

When the charging case and the earbuds are fully charged, the earbuds enter sleep mode. To wake up and power on earbuds, wait for status lights to glow before removing the buds from the case.

Make sure the earbuds are firmly seated on the charging pins when charging

  • If you place both earbuds in the case and they are not seated on the charging pins, the earbuds will remain on and drain the battery
  • The charging pins could also be stuck in a down position. You can push on the charging pin(s) to confirm they are moving up and down and not stuck in the down position
  • When placing the earbuds in the charging case, the LEDs on the earbuds should flash or light up. This will confirm the earbuds are connecting with the charging pins

Make sure the earbuds are not in standby mode

Standby conserves the earbud battery when the earbuds are out of the case and not in use. The earbuds switch to standby when you remove both earbuds from your ears for 20 minutes. To wake the earbuds, insert both earbuds in your ears or use the Bose app.

Check if the battery is charged.

Be sure the battery is not depleted. For more info see, Checking the remaining battery charge and Charging your headphones.

Check for and install any available product updates.

On a computer, visit and follow the instructions to ensure your product has the latest features and enhancements. See Updating the software or firmware of your product.

Disconnect and reconnect the charging cable at both ends.

Unplug both ends of the USB cable then reconnect both ends to ensure they are firmly connected to the headphones and the USB power source.

Try a different USB cable.

Try connecting your product with a different USB cable to determine if there is an issue with the first cable.

Reset your product.

Much like rebooting a smartphone, your product might need to be reset on occasion to correct minor issues. For more info, see Resetting your product.

Make sure to close the case when charging.

If you place one or both earbuds in the charging case and keep the lid open, the earbud(s) will remain on. Always close the case to preserve battery life.

Your product may need service.

If the steps provided do not resolve your issue, your product may need service. Follow the link below for more information on how to service your product. Depending on your product and region, you will be provided a contact number or the ability to setup service online.

Click here to start service
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